Sunday, May 13, 2018



Just 1 cup of raspberries contains 8g of fiber (!) which is almost a third of the fiber most of us need for an entire day. They’re also lower in sugar than most fruits which can be a great choice for anyone watching their blood sugars like diabetics or simply those on a fat loss plan like many of my clients.


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” – a famous phrase used by parents all over the world to get their little ones to eat fruit, but it really does have something to it! Having a healthy digestive tract is imperative for our overall health. After all it’s how our bodies absorb and utilize all those amazing nutrients we consume. Apples contain a unique type of fiber called pectin, which has been shown to help improve digestion because of it’s soluble nature and ability to bind to cholesterol or toxins in the body and “get rid of them”.


Figs are one of my absolute favorite fruits, and I really feel these are a treat because they’re so delicious and sweet. 1 cup of dried figs contain roughly 15g of fiber (note this is a LARGE serving, but you get the idea). Just 1 large raw fig contains 2g of fiber all on it’s own. Try adding these to salads, sandwiches, in smoothies, or topped on porridges.


Prunes are simply dried plums. One of the most well known digestive friendly fruits out there due to their natural laxative effect on the body. Interestingly prunes contain a compound called dihydroxyphenyl isatin which helps stimulate the intestines to contract and move. Prunes contain a great amount of both soluble and insoluble fibers which helps the body get rid of waste, add bulk to the stool, and in general move moves things along. They also contain sorbitol, which loves water and will take any water it can get and push it in the digestive tract making it easier and softer to pass. To top it off, prunes contain loads of minerals especially magnesium which again, helps overall digestion because magnesium relaxes smooth muscles (i.e. the digestive tract muscles).


Not only do bananas contain fiber (about 3-4g of fiber per banana), they also contain that special fiber called pectin which has been shown to help decrease and heal stomach ulcers as well as providing a healthy dose of prebiotics for our bodies to utilize as food for the good bacteria in our guts (probiotics).


Avocados are on my list of digestive friendly “fruits” as well, and even though I categorize avocados as a healthy fat, they’re technically a fruit. Avocados contain great amounts of fiber as well as healthy fats to keep our digestion moving along and lubricated. Be sure to “share” this post with friends and family to help them learn the basics of what fruits are best for digestion

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